AP Poly Grievance App

Ap polygrievance redressal system is an online mechanism to raise grievances on an institution by any of the student,parent,staff & Non-teaching staff of the respective organization. How to register: Student: Enter registration no, e-mail, department & create your own password

Note: In the absence of mobile number, student can create their own username by his/her name.
Parents: Enter your students registration no, your e-mail & create your own password. Teaching Staff: Enter your students registration no, your e-mail & create your own password. Non-Teaching Staff: Enter your students registration no, your e-mail & create your own password. When a user raises a grievance, a notification will be sent to the grievance redressal committee members of the respective institution, they can see & respond to your raised grievance. App: search "ap polygrievance" in playstore Download it from there & install it in your Android Phone. So that, grievances can be lodged & redressed through your mobile app.